Sunday, December 28, 2014

Alien merchant

Alien merchant

Sup ! Hope you had a merry christmas !
I was so lucky to get a early christmas present in late november by my good friend Sonny Bundgaard.
Sonny is the owner of the club i play at, and is the most passionate hobbyist i know.
With not only hella beefy painting skills but also extraordinary sculpting skills.
He sculpted this ''Alien merchant'' for a contest , and from what i heard he is considering to do an entire line of space/alien civilians which will all come up for sale at some point.
You can check out his work at

or his blog

Enough with the praise hahah

 I had a hard time deciding what colour skin i would give him , but i settled on purple
 as its the colour i use the least.
For the clothing i went for a crossbreed between jedi robes and dirty mechanic.
I built up the purple from Hexed lichen (vallejo game colour purple) and elf skintone with a tiny tiny droplet of bleached bone.
On his back i got insipired by JRN's weathered white on the merchants holodisk displayer? or what ever it is hahah.

I would love to hear if any of you were interested in a copy of this guy or other space civilians for that matter.
C&c are very welcome as are all questions.

Happy new year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Nurgle Spawn

Hi there , time for a some content .

I wanted to show you guys my chaos spawn , that will be used in my 8th ed chaos army.

I really liked the old GuO , but his legs were just too fat and stubby so i sculpted some tentacles for him to creep around with.
For painting i primed him white , and then started glazing and washing like a madman. Did a few highligths , and picked out a strong red as a contrast to all that rot.
Hope you like the lardass :) C&c is allways welcome 

And as a tiny bonus i lined up some future projects , a rogue trader inquisitor crew and a confrontation bounty hunter gang .

Untill next time! 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

RoC Battle

Hi all ! I just had my second game of RoC my my buddy Thomas Riley from the forums.
We both just picked some models to be in our warband , and played WSYIWYG style. We also tried out 4th ed card magic as we felt 3rd ed magic was a bit too over powered. But the 4th ed magic was made for army battles and was pretty overpowered aswell.

We played a scenario where the objective was to persuade a chaos wizard to follow you to your deployment zone with a leadership test. Also if you lost a combat round with him you would have to roll an additional leadership test for him not to flee.

Here goes some pictures !

The classic warhammer poses , me on the left and Riley to the right.

 Rileys warband , lead by the musket armed chaos sorcerer Hazmat Mutilatore.

 Our objective the mighty Tzeentch wizard Zapp Peckerhead.
Painted by the very talented Sonny Bundgaard.

Deployment from my side. We have some awesome terrain in our club called Rogue Trader . I will have to take some shots of the other gaming tables for you one day , we even have an entire mos eisley table!

 In my first round i used a spell called something i dont remember , but it basicly teleported my sorcerer and his unit 18'' in the direction i wanted. And what a suprise i landed right beside Peckerhead.

Advancing forces , notice rileys skaven sneaking around the ruin.
The big close combat clash , my cultists and beastmen clashing  Rileys thugs .
You can see a hint of his chaos dwarfs closing in on the side.

Meanwhile my forces were getting slaugthered by the hands of chaos dwarfs and thugs.
My Sorcerer Obediah Ruffhouse engaged in a a bloody fight against the flanking skaven. The 3 chaos slann were eventually killed along with the the 4 skaven and my Sorcerer managed to flee into the dusk with Zapp Peckerhead , landing him the victory.

It was an awesome game, especially when you implement a scenario. I didnt like the 4th ed magic we used some pretty OP magic bolts which killed of a good group of beastmen and chaos dwarfs, so didnt feel like making it a part of the battle report since it felt like cheap kills..

 I hope you enjoy , and I am sorry for any bad english and spelling errors.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

RoC update

Quick update

Hello there , just a small update for the chaos warband from the first post.
An old chaos warrior and a runequest broo. I really love these preslotta models. I think they are far more fun to paint than newer sculpts. And there is something magical in glueing the preslotta base onto a plastic base, that i cant explain.

I wanted them to fit the rest of the warband, so they were kept really simple and in a limited pallete.
And it was the first time i tried painting coloured armour instead of the usual metallics.

Over and out.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Hi fellow oldhammeres! I have wanted to start my own blog for some time now, and have finally found some time for it.
My real name is Porkaborg  and i am 22 years old , and i am a total 80'ies citadel addict.
I am currently working on a 8th ed warhammer chaos army that includes alot of old citadel miniatures aswell some newer plastics. Meanwhile painting the chaos army im collecting c38 beastmen ,runequest broo and slotta chaos dwarfs for my next project, a 3rd ed chaos army.

Here are some pictures of the RoC warband i made for the warband painting challenge.

Enjoy ! :)

I will be updating once or twice a month , with mostly old miniature related stuff.