Sunday, December 28, 2014

Alien merchant

Alien merchant

Sup ! Hope you had a merry christmas !
I was so lucky to get a early christmas present in late november by my good friend Sonny Bundgaard.
Sonny is the owner of the club i play at, and is the most passionate hobbyist i know.
With not only hella beefy painting skills but also extraordinary sculpting skills.
He sculpted this ''Alien merchant'' for a contest , and from what i heard he is considering to do an entire line of space/alien civilians which will all come up for sale at some point.
You can check out his work at

or his blog

Enough with the praise hahah

 I had a hard time deciding what colour skin i would give him , but i settled on purple
 as its the colour i use the least.
For the clothing i went for a crossbreed between jedi robes and dirty mechanic.
I built up the purple from Hexed lichen (vallejo game colour purple) and elf skintone with a tiny tiny droplet of bleached bone.
On his back i got insipired by JRN's weathered white on the merchants holodisk displayer? or what ever it is hahah.

I would love to hear if any of you were interested in a copy of this guy or other space civilians for that matter.
C&c are very welcome as are all questions.

Happy new year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Nurgle Spawn

Hi there , time for a some content .

I wanted to show you guys my chaos spawn , that will be used in my 8th ed chaos army.

I really liked the old GuO , but his legs were just too fat and stubby so i sculpted some tentacles for him to creep around with.
For painting i primed him white , and then started glazing and washing like a madman. Did a few highligths , and picked out a strong red as a contrast to all that rot.
Hope you like the lardass :) C&c is allways welcome 

And as a tiny bonus i lined up some future projects , a rogue trader inquisitor crew and a confrontation bounty hunter gang .

Untill next time!