Tuesday, October 14, 2014

RoC update

Quick update

Hello there , just a small update for the chaos warband from the first post.
An old chaos warrior and a runequest broo. I really love these preslotta models. I think they are far more fun to paint than newer sculpts. And there is something magical in glueing the preslotta base onto a plastic base, that i cant explain.

I wanted them to fit the rest of the warband, so they were kept really simple and in a limited pallete.
And it was the first time i tried painting coloured armour instead of the usual metallics.

Over and out.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Hi fellow oldhammeres! I have wanted to start my own blog for some time now, and have finally found some time for it.
My real name is Porkaborg  and i am 22 years old , and i am a total 80'ies citadel addict.
I am currently working on a 8th ed warhammer chaos army that includes alot of old citadel miniatures aswell some newer plastics. Meanwhile painting the chaos army im collecting c38 beastmen ,runequest broo and slotta chaos dwarfs for my next project, a 3rd ed chaos army.

Here are some pictures of the RoC warband i made for the oldhammer.org.uk warband painting challenge.

Enjoy ! :)

I will be updating once or twice a month , with mostly old miniature related stuff.