Monday, November 30, 2015

Citadel Fox Priest

Hi guys, it has been a while since ive painted some old lead. But yesterday the ich got real and i dug out one of my favorite citadel models of all time. The Citadel fox priest! Everything about this miniature is awesome from the robe to the dragon staff. For the painting part, i primed it white (never tried this before) and used alot of watered down colours, besides that i got really inspired by Don Hans approach to the fox priest and miniatures in general!

Enjoy , C&c is more than welcome ! Happy Hollydays!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Jebediah Helmawr.Jr and the Iron Suns

 Hi all!

After 4 months of ''hard'' and ''semi intense'' work I finally finished  my confrontation gang. I made the gang for my gaming
clubs Necromunda campaign and played them as Orlocks.
The majority of the gang is made of old citadel confrontation gangers caught on ebay,
with empire and old imperial guard bits. Besides that there is a night horror imp posing as a caryatid and a hasslefree something as a heavy?
As for the paintjob I wanted to do it part grimey and part clean , as a 50-50  mix of John Blanche and Jakob Rune Nielsen .
I was directly inspired by JRN's booklet post centaur painting for the white weapons.
Sprinkled with checks, bleached hair , beard stubs and stipling for texture.

Here goes the gang of Jebediah Helmawr.JR and the Iron Suns.
Jebediah is Helmawr the ruler of Necromundas great great grandson and Jeb is working under direct command of Helmawr.
Disciplined , rich and unfair. He does the dirty work of the spires ruler. Everything from executions to bribe collection,
and ''pest control'' in the upper, middle and lower levels.
Some of the gang members are either Jebs own sons or nephews while others are hand picked from the top ranks of gangs in the lower levels.
When they arent performing tasks for Helmawr, they party hard and hunt scavies!

I hope you like them !

Byron , Jebediah Helmawr.JR and Jebediahs Caryatid.

Jebediah Helmawr.JR


Jebediahs most trusted man.

Jebediahs Caryatid

The heavies !
Warhog and Toast
(Anyone know what model warhog is ? Found him in a bits pile missing a leg and a gun)

The up close and in ur face m8 guys!
Hanzo Helmawr(Jebs Nephew) and Heath Sledger

The shottaz
Badger and Skinny Helmawr (Jebs twin sons) and Ira Goldberg hunting rifle extraordinaire

The teenage performers of ultra violence!(JUVES)
Minde , Derek(Highest ranking teenager) and Bane Vader

The lads together

And the lads magnetized to their metal whisky fudge tranport vehicle.

I hope you like them ! ohh and feel free to c&c and ask questions! :)
And sorry about poor pictures(i suck at taking them) and and and and spelling errors.